
Pastors & Staff

Bishop Brian J. Graham

ministry overseer - north carolina campus

Bishop Brian J. Graham has worked in Ministry for the past 10 years and has placed a strong emphasis on ministering to young men especially those who have been incarcerated showing them the way to freedom in living for Jesus Christ!

Apostle Prophetess R. Graham


Apostle Prophetess R. Graham is the Founder of the Ministry and works extensively with building the leaders attached to the Ministry as well as travelling to carry the Gospel 

Pastor Stephanie Newkirk -Holmes

north carolina campus Pastor

Pastor  Stephanie Newkirk Holmes is an exceptional leaders who cares so deeply for the things of God that it impacts everyone around her in a positive way. She is dedicated and committed to the Call of God over her live as displays the Hesed Love of God everywhere she goes!

Minister Martila Sanders

director of music

Minister Martila Sanders is a young and vibrant anointed Psalmist of the Lord and she has had the experience to match the anointing she carries to do what she does so well in the Kingdom of God. Our Ministry is blessed have her as a leading Levite over our Music Department.

Minister Angela Kinlaw Hatcher

minister in charge of protocol & events

Minister Angela Kinlaw Hatcher is in her element here in the Ministry where she has free reign to be used of God with her mullt-faceted arsenal of gifts and talents that she has been blessed with by God! She has a heart of God and is always ready and available to show love and assist whereever she is needed most!

Minister April Kirksey 

minister in charge of Youths and youth related activities

Minister April Kirksey has a heart that is uniquely made to love and serves with excellence as the Head of the Children’s Ministry. She is also fully responsible for the financial administration. Minister Kirksey has shown her commitment and dedication to the Lord and to his people

Minister Natasha Pascal 

minister in charge of special events and programming coordinator

Minister Reka Munnings

minister in charge of international travel  & events

Minister Reka Munnings is an anointed voice in the earth and she uses her influence to build the Kingdom of God. She is uniquely gifted to be a thinker, a shaker and a mover and she does it just as eloquently as she carries herself. We are blessed to have her as a representation of this Ministry as we prevail in Kingdom Works!

Minister Rachelle Dames

Minister Rachelle Dames is stern firm and to the point person who has a delicate way getting her point across without bringing offense. She is an anointed intercessor and has been gifted to bulldoze through atmospheres to cover those in this Ministry. She is a spiritual weapon on assignment for Righteous Remnant Ministries International.